Abdul Karim Abdullah
CEO, Afrofuture
Abdul Karim Abdullah is the founder and CEO of Culture Management Group (CMG), an African focused media management company introducing a diverse and innovative perspective to the African event space. CMG is also the parent company for AfroFuture Fest, formerly known as Afrochella, an annual festival held in Accra, Ghana. AfroFuture is a platform dedicated to promoting and elevating Africa's exciting and thriving talent. The festival and its accompanying events exist to foster engagement, increase interest, and boost tourism within Ghana and throughout Africa by providing a space for the diaspora to celebrate culture through the various mediums of African music, food, art, and fashion.
As a result of CMG's incredible impact on Ghana and the African continent, Abdullah and team were named Goodwill Ambassador of Tourism to Ghana to help promote the country’s tourism globally.
Panels involved in
Panels involved in
African Music & Cultural Exchanges: Building Global Partnerships
Breakout session 3
Grand panel
3:25 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Experience the rhythm of Africa through captivating music and cultural exchanges that bridge continents