African Music & Cultural Exchanges: Building Global Partnerships

Breakout session 3
Grand panel
3:25 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
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WABF panel | African Music & Cultural Exchanges: Building Global Partnerships

Nov 11, 2023 3:25 PM
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Africa's rich cultural diversity and musical heritage is celebrated worldwide. Dive into the vibrant tapestry of African music and cultural exchanges that transcend borders and create connections across the globe

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Maximizing Africa's Human Capital Potential through Education

Breakout session 3
Grand panel
3:25 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Discover how innovative programs and partnerships are revolutionizing the continent's educational landscape

US - Africa Relations: Reflecting on the Past, Assessing the Present and Envisioning the Future

Breakout session 2
Grand panel
2:20 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Explore the evolving relationship between the United States and Africa

Ideathon Chat: From Inception to Impact

Breakout session 1
Fireside chat
12:10 pm
Jon M. Huntsman Hall
This session focuses on Benjamin Fernandes's inspiring journey, to motivate attendees to recognize and act on issues they deeply care about in the continent.